Types of fractures on animals
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Pet Bone Fractures
Understanding Bone Fractures
Bones, while generally strong, can break due to various factors:
- Severity and type of fracture depend on:
- Mechanics of the injury
- Bone strength
- Force applied
Types of Fractures
Exploring different fracture types:
- Open or Compound Fracture: Bones break and penetrate the skin, posing risks of bleeding and infection.
- Common Fracture Types:
- Transverse Fracture
- Stable Fracture
- Complicated Fracture
- Fracture-Dislocation
- Greenstick Fracture
- Spiral Fracture
- Compression Fracture
- Other Fracture Types:
- Stress Fracture (Hairline Fracture)
- Impact Fracture
- Oblique Fracture
- Comminuted Fracture
- Avulsion Fracture
- Segmental Fracture
Treatment Approach
For first-aiders, knowing the fracture name isn't crucial, as treatment generally follows similar principles:
- Seek veterinary assistance promptly
- Handle fractures with care and attention
- Ensure immobilization
- Support and comfort the injured pet
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