Bandage aftercare
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Bandage Aftercare: Tips for Dog and Cat Owners
Duration of Bandages
Bandages are typically not left on for more than two to three days:
- Reason: Prolonged bandaging may hide underlying issues like infection or wound breakdown.
Monitoring Bandages
Important steps to monitor your pet's bandage:
- Comfort: Ensure the bandage is comfortable for your pet; watch for signs of discomfort or pain.
- Swelling: Check for any swelling above or below the bandage, especially if the foot is included.
- Dryness: Keep the bandage dry; use waterproof covers during walks and avoid leaving non-breathable materials like plastic on for extended periods.
- Odour: Watch for any abnormal smells around the bandage, which could indicate infection.
Responding to Concerns
If you notice any issues with the bandage, take prompt action:
- Pain: If your pet shows signs of pain or discomfort, contact your vet for assessment.
- Moisture: Inform your vet if the bandage gets wet; they may advise removal to prevent further complications.
- Odour: Any unusual smells should be reported to your vet to address potential infection.
For any concerns or questions about bandage aftercare, contact your vet for guidance and advice.
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