Nose and Respiratory Problems - Vet
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Understanding Nose and Respiratory Issues in Dogs and Cats
Trauma and Foreign Bodies
Common issues affecting the nose include:
- Trauma: Objects like grass seeds may become lodged in the nostrils, causing irritation or inflammation.
- Foreign Bodies: Children and dogs may inadvertently introduce foreign objects into the nose, leading to discomfort and potential complications.
Infections and Inflammations
Identifying and managing nasal infections:
- Symptoms: Look for signs of infection such as nasal discharge, sneezing, or coughing.
- Odour: Unusual smells around the nose could indicate an underlying infection.
Nasal Tumours
Understanding the signs of nasal tumours:
- Subtle Symptoms: Tumours may not be immediately apparent but can cause symptoms like persistent sneezing or nasal irritation.
- Advanced Signs: Breathing difficulties, wheezing, or abdominal breathing may indicate more serious issues like tumour growth or respiratory infections.
Respiratory Infections and Complications
Recognizing and managing chest infections:
- Symptoms: Watch for signs such as wheezing, coughing, and increased effort in breathing.
- Pneumonia: Severe infections like pneumonia can lead to breathing difficulties and require prompt veterinary attention.
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