Canine First Aid for Hydrotherapists

121 videos, 6 hours and 13 minutes

Course Content

Breathing mechanisms

Video 16 of 121
2 min 41 sec

Respiratory Process: Inspiration, Expiration, and Gas Exchange

1. Inspiration

Process: During inspiration, the diaphragm muscle contracts, causing the normally dome-shaped diaphragm to flatten.

Result: This increases the chest cavity volume, creating negative pressure between the air in the lungs and the atmosphere, effectively sucking air into the lungs until pressures balance.

2. Expiration

Process: During expiration, diaphragm muscles relax, returning to a dome shape, decreasing the chest cavity volume.

Result: This creates positive pressure, pushing some air out of the lungs.

3. Costal Breathing

Description: Costal breathing is a shallow pattern of breathing through the chest and involves the contraction of the external intercostal muscles.

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Description: Diaphragmatic breathing is a deeper method of breathing through abdominal distension, involving the contraction and lowering of the diaphragm.

Benefits: Promoted for relaxation in activities like yoga and linked to improved health.

Note: Rib cage expansion is necessary during labored breathing, like high-intensity aerobic exercise.

5. Gas Exchange

Oxygen Flow: Oxygen is pulled down the bronchi and bronchioles into the alveoli due to negative pressure and concentration gradient.

Diffusion: Gas movement occurs from high to low concentration areas.

Oxygen Exchange: Oxygen diffuses into the bloodstream in the alveoli, binding to hemoglobin in red blood cells.

Carbon Dioxide Exchange: Carbon dioxide disassociates from hemoglobin and diffuses back into the lungs for exhalation.

Transport: Red blood cells, loaded with oxygen, are pumped into the bloodstream via the pulmonary vein towards the heart.